الإثنين , 1 يوليو 2024


UAE Red Crescent Distributes Food Assistance to Cancer Patients and those with Kidney Failure in Mukalla


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Thu.10 August 2017 / Al – mukalla- Hadhramaut Ali Al-jifri – photography: Ahmed Banafa The UAE Red Crescent distributed aid food to cancer patients and those with kidney failure in Mukalla in framework of humanity protection that the the United Arab Emirates implemented on more than one level to help brothers in Yemen to alleviate their suffering and ...

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The UAE Red Crescent Moving a Relief Convoys for Azzan Residents in Shabwah


  ((alwaqaaljadeed)) Thu.10August 2017 / Azzan– Maefa Abdulrahman Al-mahthar photography: Ammar Nomiesh The UAE Red Crescent moving a food assistance convoy on Monday, to Azzan regions directorate of Maefa province of Shabwa, where they were distributed to the population in framework of humanitarian campaign to support Yemeni people and to alleviate the suffering of the people and help them face ...

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UAE Red Crescent Offers Urgent Relief Aid to Needy Families in Mukalla


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Wednesday 9 August 2017 / al – mukalla- hadramout Ali Al-jifri – photography: Ahmed Banafa Red Crescent offers urgent relief aid to needy families B” Joel Al-zageeg“Fowa random area Directorate of Al-mukalla in Hadhramaut in framework of support provided by the United Arab Emirates to siblings in Yemen . Commission Responded to urgent appeals launched by the people ...

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Patients With Kidney Failure in Shabwa Have Support of the UAE Red Crescent


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Tuesday, 8 August 2017 / Azzan – Maefah Abdulrahman Mahthar – photography: Nasser Joher The UAE Red Crescent distributed aid food to low-income and needy people with kidney failure in Azzan ,Directorate of Maefah in Shabwa province in the framework of the protection of humanity which is implementing by the UAE Red Crescent authority on more than one ...

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The Southern Tribes Demonstrate The Depth of Partnership With The Arab Coalition Forces


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Monday 7 Aug 2017 / Eden Every day the southern tribes confirmed their strong partnership with Arab coalition forces, support for the The Southern delegations Preceded by the tribes leader and many of important persons from Yafea, Al-thale, Radfan, cutting hundreds of kilometers to reach the headquarters of the Arab coalition forces. The commander of the Arab coalition ...

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The UAE Red Crescent distribute 1000 baskets food to son of Azzan region, Directorate of Maefah


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Monday 7 August 2017 / Hadhramaut Abdulrahman Mahthar- photography: Nasser joher. UAE Red Crescent today distribute 1000 of variety baskets food of Azzan’s son region, Directorate of Maefah Governorate of Shabwa -Yemen ,so as to meet the needs of humanitarian situations, the poorest, and needy people , continued support by the United Arab Emirates brothers in Yemen under ...

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The UAE Red Crescent sent a relief assistance to Al-radoud residents inTariem


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Munday 7 August 2017 / – Hadhramaut Ali Al-jifri – photography: Abdullah Musaed The UAE Red Crescent convoy of humanitarian aid today included food and other items were distributed to district residents inAl-radoud,Wadi Hadramout as part of interventions relief campaign inclusive of the UAE Red Crescent in various areas in the Governorate. The distribution of this humanity aid ...

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UAE Red Crescent offers relief aid to the people of the “Gail bin Yameen city at” plateau of Hadhramaut.


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Sun. 6 Aug 2017 / Gail bin Yameen – Hadhramaut.   Ali Al-jifri – photography: Abdul Rahman to Habarah   The UAE’s red crescent team Intensified relief efforts humanity functions to help poor families and those with limited income in the Republic, “Gail bin Yameen” is one of the directorates of Hadhramaut plateau of Yemen to improve their ...

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القبائل الجنوبية تثبت عمق شراكة مع قوات التحالف العربي


  ((الواقع الجديد)) الأثنين 7 أغسطس 2017 / عدن   كل يوم تثبت القبائل الجنوبية صدق شراكتها المتينة مع قوات التحالف العربي الداعم للشرعية وفود قبلية جنوبية يتقدمها مشايخ وأعيان من مناطق يافع والظالع وردفان قطعت مئات الكيلومترات لتصل الي مقر قوات التحالف العربي بعدن قائد قوات التحالف العربي كان في طليعة مستقبلي هذه الوفود حيث استهل حديثه بكلمات ترحيبيه ...

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اطعمة تؤخر ظهور الشعر الأبيض


(( الواقع الجديد)) الأثنين 24 يوليو 2017 / المكلا لا مفر من الشعر الأبيض ، فيظهر عادة لدى الإنسان في سن الثلاثين أو الأربعين. وهو علامة عن تقدم العمر. ولذلك يسارع الكثير من الأشخاص إلى شراء منتجات من السوق تؤخر ظهور الشعر الأبيض غير مدركين أنّ للنظام الغذائي دورًا في الحفاظ على لون الشعر وعدم تغيره. وسنعدد بعضًا منها: التوت ...

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