الأحد , 22 ديسمبر 2024

The Southern Tribes Demonstrate The Depth of Partnership With The Arab Coalition Forces


((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Monday 7 Aug 2017 / Eden
Every day the southern tribes confirmed their strong partnership with Arab coalition forces, support for the
The Southern delegations Preceded by the tribes leader and many of important persons from Yafea, Al-thale, Radfan, cutting hundreds of kilometers to reach the headquarters of the Arab coalition forces. The commander of the Arab coalition forces were in the forefront of receiving of these delegations where he recently launched his words of welcome octagonal the endeavours and the efforts of the large tribes in the concrete of the reunion and fend off period stand in the side of the Arab coalition to fight terrorism and the efforts of development, construction and assistance in all areas
Tribal elders have shown in knowing their words they are ready to stay for their full cooperation and boundless with the forces of the Arab coalition in hopes that this requires cooperation to achieve all the goals that all here works for it together as they never miss the opportunity of this meeting in delivering words of thanks and expressions of gratitude for the role the great carried out by the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, noting that only the links of brotherhood and strong ties between this tribes has been and still is a factor decisive victory for the forces of Houthis and Saleh
As usual this was an important occasion on the way to solidifying mutual cooperation between the tribes and the Alliance has always stressed the coalition forces that remains is the larger supporting for southern people in unifying the renunciation of the causes of the difference such as the currents of sectarian political parties that do not bring a lot, except evil and the wars scourges .

القبائل الجنوبية تثبت عمق شراكة مع قوات التحالف العربي

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