الإثنين , 23 ديسمبر 2024

The Leader of The Hadramout Coast Guard is a Wonderful Security Model Despite The Malicious Campaigns by The Affected and Smugglers. “

“al-waqaaljadeed.com” Wednesday 12 August 2020 / Exclusive.
Lt. Col. Salem Al-Nomouri, the commander of the Hadramout Coast Guard forces, is a man of a nation, the commander with clear evidence and fingerprints, and he witnessed clearly visible and self-evident achievements that pulled out this security-important sector for Hadramout from various aspects in light of the increase in smuggling operations of the maritime navigation line in the Arabian Sea and the increase in smuggling activity, to and from the Horn of Africa.

Commander Al-Nomouri received the Coast Guard to begin steps of success and renewal, along with the Hadrami leadership represented by the Governor of Al-Bahsani and the United Arab Emirates, which supported this aspect and contributed to leaving a mark on it, to raise the pace of work, which was achieved with achievements in the seizure of weapons, drugs and contraband in the vast coast of Hadramout and extended by its geography a dagger worried the smuggling gangs.

Recently, those affected by the strictness carried out by the Hadramout Coast Guard forces, led by Lieutenant Colonel Al-Numouri, emerged and their role in tightening the noose on smuggling and smugglers of contraband to the coasts of Hadramout, so they financed false media campaigns behind which the so-called A. a. B. He is one of the major arms smugglers in Hadramout, in order to harm the Coast Guard forces and their commander as a result of the damage they suffered and the smuggling operations were eliminated.

The last ship that was seized and taken to the port of al-Shihr, carrying its arsenal of lethal weapons, and the boat, it was seized in the port of Nishtun and carrying weapons, all bear the fingerprints of those arms dealers who are now in the arms of the Houthis and the reformists in Sana’a.

More than one military expert and analyst praised the great role that the leadership of the Hadramout Coast Guard forces is currently playing, as it works on solid foundations and strictly high to protect the national security of the homeland and the global shipping line.

تقرير خاص.. قائد خفر سواحل حضرموت نموذج امني رائع وانجازات تتحدث عن نفسها رغم الحملات المغرضه من قبل المتضررين وتجار التهريب

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