“Al-waqaaljadeed” Mon. 20 November 2017 Aden / special The UAE Red Crescent authority responded to the appeal of an old Adeni women called “Halima’s mother” appeared through a video was shown on social media ,she was complaining her miserable life. The UAE Red Crescent provided emergency humanitarian aid to those elderly that reside in the city of Dar Saad ...
أكمل القراءة »English News
The UAE Crescent Continues to Support the Education Sector in Hadhramaut
((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Wednesday 15 November 2017 / Al-mukalla– Gov.Media Ali Al-jifri – photography: Abdel Rahman Ba-habara Red Crescent authority signed an agreement today for the rehabilitation and maintenance of building of Rumah secondary school in Hadramout desert that’s suspended from the activity for more than ten years. The representative of the UAE Red Crescent in Hadramout Abdul-Aziz Al-jabri confirmed UAE ...
أكمل القراءة »UAE Qualifying a Yemeni Prisons and Provide Health Care to Inmates
“Al-waqaaljadeed” Tue., 14 November 2017 Mukalla- private The UAE, a leading member of the Arab coalition in support of the Yemeni government, qualified many of Yemen’s prisons destroyed by the putschists in Aden and Mukalla in a support assured by officials security and activists that it is a pragmatic response to the allegations of Qatar, Iran about the construction ...
أكمل القراءة »The Trucks of the UAE Red Crescent Distribute Drinks and Fruits for Shabwa’s Population
” Al-wqaaljadeed” Tue., 14 November 2017 Shabwa /Exclusive The UAE red crescent distributed a large quantities of beverages and fruits for the local population in the city of Huta- governorate of Shabwa east of the country. Sources told ” Yemen Arab” that the trucks follow the Red Crescent UAE today, Tue. Distribute chilled juices and fruits for the local ...
أكمل القراءة »With a Support of our Brothers in the UAE have been Completed all Sections of the Central Prison in Mukalla
(Al-waqaaljadeed) Mon. 13Nov 2017 / Mukalla- private The governor of Hadhramaut province and the second military region commander Faraj Salmin Al-bahsni check this morning on Facilities branch of the interest of rehabilitation and Reform in the Governorate of Hadramout’s city of Mukalla, “the central prison” after the repair and complete the processing of all the departments and approved with ...
أكمل القراءة »With a Support of our Brothers in the UAE have been Completed all Sections of the Central Prison in Mukalla
(Al-waqaaljadeed) Mon. 13Nov 2017 / Mukalla- private The governor of Hadhramaut province and the second military region commander Faraj Salmin Al-bahsni check this morning on Facilities branch of the interest of rehabilitation and Reform in the Governorate of Hadramout’s city of Mukalla, “the central prison” after the repair and complete the processing of all the departments and approved with ...
أكمل القراءة »UAE Red Crescent ” Sign a Convention on Implementation the Water Project Network in Al-ausbah and Asom Al-somme directorate in Hadramout, Yemen
Ali Al-jifri – photography: Ahmed Banafa , UAE Red Crescent signed a implementation Convention of Al-ausbah and Asom water project network in Al-somme directorate- Hadramout, Yemen. The Convention provides for the implementation of the extensions of fossils linking the wells with water tank in the area and rehabilitation of internal networks and the installation of pumping stations and establishment ...
أكمل القراءة »UAE Aid Ship Arrived to Mukalla Loaded 50 Thousand Baskets Food
UAE a cargo ship Arrived at the port of Al- mukalla today loaded 50 thousand basket food includes basic food families needs in Yemen ,the UAE Red Crescent offered to be distribute to the governorates of Hadhramaut and Shabwa and Marib in the framework of the efforts made by the United Arab Emirates in support of the liberated provinces ...
أكمل القراءة »The UAE Red Crescent Marching a Relief Caravan to Radfan Residents in Hadhramaut
((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Sun.13 August 2017 / Brome Maefa– Hadhramaut The red crescent , convoy aid food to Radfan in Maefa which people suffer from the ,cholera spread disease in framework of mitigation of their suffering and help them face the burdens of life. The people expressed their overwhelming pleasure with this aid, praising the efforts made by the United Arab ...
أكمل القراءة »UAE Red Crescent Distributes Food Assistance to Cancer Patients and those with Kidney Failure in Mukalla
((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Thu.10 August 2017 / Al – mukalla- Hadhramaut Ali Al-jifri – photography: Ahmed Banafa The UAE Red Crescent distributed aid food to cancer patients and those with kidney failure in Mukalla in framework of humanity protection that the the United Arab Emirates implemented on more than one level to help brothers in Yemen to alleviate their suffering and ...
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