الجمعة , 27 ديسمبر 2024

The UAE Crescent Continues to Support the Education Sector in Hadhramaut


((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Wednesday 15 November 2017 / Al-mukalla– Gov.Media

Ali Al-jifri – photography: Abdel Rahman Ba-habara

Red Crescent authority signed an agreement today for the rehabilitation and maintenance of building of Rumah secondary school in Hadramout desert that’s suspended from the activity for more than ten years.

The representative of the UAE Red Crescent in Hadramout Abdul-Aziz Al-jabri confirmed UAE Crescent keenness on supporting the education sector in Hadhramaut and regions of Yemen, pointing to the importance of the re-opening of Rumah secondary school and fully rehabilitated and support it with equipment, internal requirements necessary to become eligible to receive students.. alluding to the fact that the Commission adopt an integrated action plan to re-restoration, maintenance and rehabilitation of a number of buildings and vital facilities in Hadhramaut in several stages according to the priority needs of the community and in the introduction is the projects of education, health and infrastructure.

Official of the education in Rumah Directorate express their thanks and appreciation to the UAE and it’s humanitarian arm Red Crescent for their support to build and develop governmental and private institutions in Hadhramaut and their quest to restore hope after entering the country in a political , economic crisis and disrupted growth

The school has been closed for more than ten years due to the deterioration of the building and its maintenance, so students had to walk 80 kilometers to go to another school in Thamud city because of the lack of an alternative school in their area.

The UAE Red Crescent authority signed before two days agreement provided for the financing of the maintenance project and rehabilitation of Al-kawda school inTarim directorate in Hadhramaut, in framework of the body support for the education sector and provide best services in development and infrastructure projects

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