السبت , 14 سبتمبر 2024

Social Networking Sites Witness Campaigns of Thanks for the UAE’s Efforts on the Occasion of the Opening of Al-Rayyan International Airport

Sat., March 10, 2021 / Exclusive

All social media sites witnessed campaigns of thanks and gratitude to the government and people of the United Arab Emirates on the occasion of the reopening of Al-Rayyan International Airport on the coast of Hadramout, which launched its first flight this morning, Friday, from the capital Aden and heading to the Socotra archipelago, in accordance with the internal flights announced by the Yemeni Aviation Authority and to alleviate the suffering that It was lived by the residents of Hadramout and the neighboring governorates as a result of the obstacles that the Brotherhood lobby put in the legitimate government to obstruct the opening of the airport.

Today, Hadrami and southern activists launched a hashtag with the tag # Thank the people and leadership of the Emirates # Al-Rayyan International Airport for the efforts made by this generous country and the one who has the longest hand in charitable and relief work. The factors of success that were achieved in the coast of Hadramout, starting from the stage of liberation and ending with the rehabilitation and restoration of Al-Rayyan International Airport and its inauguration, which was a case of scarcity.

The hashtag has achieved a wide spread since its launch, while the activists and campaign organizers called on everyone to interact and share this gesture, which is considered the least appreciation and a beautiful response to the United Arab Emirates, which has not been late for a moment in providing relief to the people of Hadhramaut and providing military, relief and medical support to all the governorate’s directorates.

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