الإثنين , 13 يناير 2025

The Brotherhood’s Reform Party, Wrapped in The Name of The “National Coalition”, Pumping Tens of Millions into the Hadramout Valley in Order to Hold a Suspicious Demonstration.

“al-waqaaljadeed.com Friday 21.August 2020 / Special

Private sources from Hadramout Valley, said that the leaders of the Brotherhood’s Reform Party and the so-called National Coalition, which is led by influential Al-Eisi, has poured tens of millions into the path of holding the suspicious and insulting demonstration of the southern cause and the Arab coalition after it failed in the governorates of Abyan, Shabwa and Socotra.

Local sources in Seiyun city and Catten Directorate confirmed that leaders belonging to the Islah Party in the Valley offered some popular groups and Shabwani sums amounting to more than one million Yemeni riyals in order to participate in the event and register a popular presence for them, but the popular rejection by the directorates Hadramout Valley made them confused by their command in the midst of  A massive failure anticipated it.

However, other sources suggested the failure of this demonstration because it represents the agenda of hostile countries such as Turkey, Qatar and Iran, and harms the Arab coalition and the storm of decisiveness and undermines the Riyadh Agreement signed between the Southern Transitional Council and the legitimate government, while renewed calls for the gathering of the people of the valley of Hadramout to demand the departure of the first military zone forces and the replacement of forces from the sons of Hadramout in place of it and end the assassinations and security chaos in the provinces of valley and Hadramout desert.

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