الخميس , 2 مايو 2024

A Remarkable Success Chieved by The Governor Al-Bahsani in Combating The Corona Epidemic and Preventing Qat; and The Islah Party Militias Promote Lies Targeting The Authority in Hadramout

al-waqaaljadeed.com”, Thu., April 16, 2020 / Private.

After the remarkable success achieved by the leadership of the local authority in Hadramout governorate led by Major General Faraj Salmin Al-Bahsani, the governor of the governorate, the commander of the second military region in the recent measures Hadramout, including preventing the entry of Qat to Hadramout and preventing its abuse by everyone, whether they are citizens or military or officials and taking the maximum penalties against violators and whoever proves his abuse of Qat.

This move to prevent qat from Hadramout Governorate received popular and societal support at a high level and to gain popularity and internal and external praise and from top writers, intellectuals and external figures who saw Hadramout as a successful model by all measures through successful experiences since the entry of Hadrami elite forces and the liberation of the Hadramout coast and the model that achieved it at the level Security and military, and to conclude with recent decisions regarding the prevention of Qat, and to compare Hadramout without all other provinces in the Gulf states and the nature of the Hadrami man in its application and commitment to regulations and laws.

However, all of these procedures and decisions that were applied in Hadramout did not rise to the Brotherhood’s Reform Party( Islah) as usual and tried to pour a proxy of false accusations and spread them through its false media and accuse the governor of Hadramaut and the sister country as a result of Hadramout’s separation from them in all their nature and model in daily life and the proximity of the Hadrami man to the Gulf society, the Reform Party (Islah) tried to hunt in troubled waters and accuse the local authority and the Emirates of spreading the Corona epidemic in Hadramout after the shock they received as a result of the work routine accompanying to limit the spread of the Corona pandemic and the intensification of everyone in adhering to the ban and passing Stage successfully.

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