الأربعاء , 8 يناير 2025

In The Framework of Their Recent Agreements … Brotherhood Militias Continue to Hand Over Their Positions to The Houthi Militia

((الواقع الجديد)) السبت 1 فبراير 2020م/ متابعات


Tue., February 1, 2020 / al-waqaaljadeed.com

The militias of the Military Reform Party and the so-called third and sixth military region continue to hand over important camps and locations where the coalition supported them logistically, military and food equipment, these militias delivered them coldly and in the framework of the recently announced agreements between these militias And the Houthi coup militias to thwart the Arab coalition countries in favor of hostile Arab countries hostile to Arabism and the Arab project, such as Turkey, Iran and Qatar, to pass their plan to fragment the Arab world and establish the Turkish Brotherhood project and apply it. S clerical rule in Iran model and the return of the occupation that got rid of it Arab states and still some of its Ka Yemen brunt, Syria, Lebanon and Libya.

Private sources from Al-Jawf and Marib Brothers, the stronghold of the Brotherhood and their military formations, talked about deals and mutual delivery of all the efforts and victories that the Arab coalition made in these two governorates to rid it of Houthi encroachment.

As Brotherhood military leaders handed over camps and sites to the Houthi militia, despite the equipment that these militias suffice to confront and repel the Houthi militia, the series of lies and deception has become clear to all, including the coalition countries, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which made the precious and valuable to liberate Yemen and support it militarily, services, and relief, but it was shocked In contrast with exposed and betrayed entities, which will entail decisions and arrangements to deter these militias and stop their plays and treachery.
The same sources confirmed that Al-Jawf governorate has fallen its directorates one coloring the other in the hands of the Houthi militias and deals of delivery and clear cooperation are a defiance of the allied countries and service to the priestly front project supported by Iran.

This is what the honorable and honorable tribes of Marib and Al-Jawf denounced and announced the general aversion to repelling these militias and demanding the expulsion of the Islah Brotherhood militias from their lands after their betrayal of the oath and the unanimous goal against Iran and its tools in Yemen.

In contrast to the other, it emerged and clarified to all the fulfillment and sacrifice made by the southern forces with the borders of al-Dhali`, their control and their oppression in the face of the Houthi militias, and expelled them from several regions, reaching the borders of the governorate of Ab with few equipment and a short period to prove to all that the people of the south and its resistance are an impenetrable fortress for the Arab nation and the failure of Iran’s Persian project, a position Repeated since the start of the storm storm and the stand of the sons of the south with the Arab alliance and its liberation of the southern provinces and the liberation of a number of northern regions such as Taiz and the governorate of Hodeidah and its coast.

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