الأحد , 22 ديسمبر 2024

Details / Upcoming Return of “Tawakul Kerman” to The Bosom of Militias in Sana’a

Al-waqaaljadeed.com ” Fri. 12 July 2019 Sana’a / private


A leader of Houthi revealed the expectedr eturn of the leadership of the Yemeni Rally for Reform Party branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen “Tawakkol Kerman” to the hands of the militias Houthi in Sana’a. The leader of al-Houthi, “Muhammad Ali al-Emad” in a tweet in his account on Twitter, said that Sana’a will receive Tawakul Kerman as received by Akram Hajar. The talk of the leader of the Huthi after Kerman became one of the leaders of the Islah Party, the most hostile to the Arab alliance and calling for what it called revolutions in Saudi Arabia.

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