الجمعة , 10 يناير 2025

United Arab Emirates -has Sent to The Health Ministry a Shipment of Medicines to Combat Malaria


“Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Wed., 12 June 2019 / Private.



The United Arab Emirates has delivered a shipment of medicines for chronic diseases and the fight against the spread of malaria to the Yemeni Ministry of Health as part of the emergency response campaign launched by the State for the relief of flood victims in Aden, Lahj and a number of Yemeni governorates. In this regard, the shipment of medicines arrived in the port of Aden, which comes within the framework of the UAE’s keenness to provide assistance to the brotherly Yemeni people. It was received by Dr. Ali Al-Walidi, Undersecretary of the Yemeni Ministry of Health and Dr. Ashraq Al-Sibai, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health. For medical supply in Yemen and Mohammed Al Shehhi representative of the UAE Red Crescent Authority in Aden. The Undersecretary of the Yemeni Ministry of Health expressed his thanks and appreciation to the UAE for this support and urgent assistance in the time and exceptional circumstances of Yemeni health in various provinces due to the events of the low air and floods .. He pointed out that this support will include health offices through a plan ready to work as soon as possible Maybe.
For her part, Dr. Suad Misri explained that the shipment contains medicines and various medical supplies and will be sent to the centers, hospitals and health units in the Yemeni provinces .. pointing out that the UAE assistance is present at all times and crises .. Expressing its thanks and appreciation to the UAE for this support at a time we need it. During the past four years, the UAE has provided great support to the health sector in Yemen, including restoring and maintaining hospitals and health centers, launching a sea, air and land bridge to provide medical and health assistance directly and through international organizations.

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