الأحد , 22 ديسمبر 2024

Governor of Hadramout Meets The Technical Committee of The Province and Emphasizes The push Towards the Development of Institutional Work


“Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Wed. 13, February 2019. Mukalla / Private

The Governor of Hadramout, Commander of the Second Military Region, Maj. Gen. Faraj Salmeen Al-Bassani met today at his office in Mukalla the members of the technical committee in the governorate.

The governor stressed the interest of the local authority leadership in developing the administrative and institutional work, through activating the tender committee which held its second meeting today, and the importance of activating the work of the technical committee after it was restructured due to its importance in analyzing the projects and preparation of technical studies for projects by technicians and legalians, And approval by the Tender Committee and follow-up implementation.

He pointed out that the local authority pays the administrative affairs and the development of the institutional work in the directorates and the offices of the departments, institutions and governmental authorities through the approved legal and administrative authorities after the government departments witnessed sabotage by al-Qaeda organization. The technical committee held its regular meetings, Tenders for approval.

The committee discussed the procedures of arranging its work, and directed the activation of technical committees in the offices of ministries, government societies and directorates, and provide technical studies of projects to meet the conditions and criteria before being referred to the technical committee in the province.

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