الجمعة , 3 مايو 2024

Almahra Governor Says: “Hadramout And Almahara Are Twins To Unite Efforts Against Terrorism

((Awaqa Aljadeed))
Saturday October 15th , 2016 / Socotra

Interviewed by: Mohammed Boaaran

The Governor of Almahra province, Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Kodda revealed to ‘Alwaqa Aljadeed’ that the main reason for his visit to the province of Hadramout is To attend the meeting that held together with Hadramout, Shabwa and Socotra governors in order to coordinate how to combat terrorism and trafficking in all its forms.

Sheikh Kodda also praised the significant role that played by the Arab Alliance forces to impose security and stability in the homeland

He revealed that this step is just the beginning and there is a perception which combines all the different sectors of the four provinces together.

He emphasized that Hadramout and Almahara have been linked by historical ties for long times, so they are twins. He added “We do not reject joining the two provinces to become one. “However, that we aspire to a separate province in Almahara and Socotra in the future”.

Furthermore, he stressed that the project of the province must be built on the basis of equality and power sharing among all the provinces of the region.

Translated by: Nabeel Ali

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