السبت , 11 يناير 2025

Socotra .. Khalifa for Humanitarian Assistance Distribution on the 13 Affected Villages.


“Al-waqaaljadeed.com ” Wednesday 24 October 2018 Socotra/private

Khalifa’s Foundation for Humanitarian work continued its efforts in areas affected by the hurricane “Luban” in the archipelago of Socotra as part of its emergency response to provide assistance and support to the people and alleviate their suffering.
The foundation moving urgent convoys carrying hundreds of intergrated food commodities into the eastern regions of the archipelago that has been damaged by rain and floods that swept the region, and distributes food to 13 area and remote villages .
Officials in the relief field, said that the Foundation “Khalifa humanitarian” hastened to reach areas “Alha, Shaq, Tamer, and, the orphanage home” and distribute hundreds of food baskets to people in those areas that have experienced significant damage due to tropical storm, the parents expressed their gratitude and thanked them for this gesture for the urgent humanitarian efforts by the UAE to the Sons of Socotra in difficult times, They said that Khalifa Foundation for Humanitarian work always brings a smile and happiness through the efforts of its boundless order to help the archipelago and its sons in various respects.
The Foundation “Khalifa for humanitarian work” initiated implementation of maintenance and rehabilitation of major roads in Socotra affected by the floods that island recently experienced. The foundation launched two major projects in rehabilitation of routes of Damaihes and Qalansia within a package of development projects, especially the process of rehabilitation and maintenance of roads affected in the archipelago.

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