الخميس , 2 يناير 2025

UAE Crescent Offers 1000 Food baskets and Dates to Governorate of Lahij


“Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Tue , 22 May 2018-Huta, Tuban /special

The UAE Red Crescent offers 1000 food baskets and 1,000 cartons of dates, as a relief aid for citizens and the war-wounded in the center of Huta city and Tuban in Governorate of Lahij within the activities of Year of Zayed in the Governorate, in presence the first undersecretary major-general Saleh Al-bakri .

The citizens covered by this generous expressed about their happiness of such support provided by siblings, in the United Arab of Emirates, it representative in humanitarian arm “Red Crescent”, especially it comes with holy month of Ramadan is the time where the needy people to provide a helping hand to them in difficult economic circumstances in the country.

He welcomed “Al-bakri” the UAE Red Crescent team, said it works as a bee in the field in Zayed 2018 at province, and distribution activities at the level of the province directorates in Lahij, contains many service areas linked to the lives of citizens and their basic needs.

In the same context .. Abdelilah Al-redfani, the representative of the UAE Red Crescent in the Governorate, confirmed that this aid will follow it relief, and other humanitarian activities which come as urgent assistance to the sons of the directories Tuban and Huta, pointing out that the food commodities included war wounded in province to assist them in recognition of their roles and their difficult status.

Al-redfani, said that the generous support provided by the United Arab of Emirates, representative in the institution of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed and the UAE Red Crescent will cover the province directorates, will start with groups of poorest people, explaining that this activity will be followed by a programme of group breakfast all the days of the holy month of Ramadan and different economic, development projects.

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