الخميس , 2 يناير 2025

With the UAE Support.. Medical Camp for Eyes Continue its Work in the Holy Month of Ramadan.


“Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Tue. 22, May 2018 Socotra /private

A medical camp for eyes treatment and Ophthalmology in Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-nahyan hospital, in Governorate of Socotra continue its work in conducting eyes operations and treats a lot of cases, with the support of the UAE Red Crescent.
The medical mission chief Dr. Rashid Sweden Explained, the camp approximately conduct 70 cases and more than 55 surgery for eyes cost all quite successfully and most of it for people holistically blind .
The camp had turnout of eyes patients from the archipelago sons and other provinces, due to the existence of eyes specialist doctors.
The camp coming in framework of the humanitarian efforts provided by the UAE to the province of the archipelago Socotra to the alleviate the province population suffering in treatment outside the province and giving new life to patients with eyes undistracted.

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