الخميس , 9 يناير 2025

Special.. Government Sources Lying the Allegations of Muslim Brotherhood on Socotra


((Al-waqaaljadeed.com-)) Sun. 06 May 2018 / Al-mukalla

Yemeni government sources, mocked about allegations that the UAE’s “ambitions” or their own agendas in the island of Socotra, or any other region in Yemen, saying that these allegations behind them clearly jibs of ,Qatat, Iranian, media, aimed at distorting the role of the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia, which seeks and its allies to defeat terrorism and militias backed by Iran.

Informed sources, said that such allegations and disinterested campaign to derail the Arab coalition is not new, and is ready since a long time, but it increased after the crisis of Qatar, which acceded to the activists of the Muslim Brotherhood, media outlets in and outside Yemen, with funding from Doha, allied with the group, which believes that see its first enemy in the region is the Saudi-Egyptian-Emirati.

Observers, said the UAE’s efforts in Socotra and other regions of Yemen, had existed before the war, but they enhance After to help in alleviate the suffering of yemenis, across institutions and relief in the liberated areas.

Considering that some of the parties of the legitimate government from the Muslim Brotherhood have recently joined to distortion campaign of the coalition, in denial of the blatantly rejected many of the efforts and huge sacrifices to save Yemen from falling into the grip of the houthis militias.

Hummingbird on social networking sites states that campaigns of distort the role of the UAE and the Alliance in Yemen have proliferated, on a manner that facilitates the public opinion revealed her truth clearly, once said that the UAE has agreed with the Government of Yemen on the rental of Socotra, and then later they said that the Government had signed a waiver of the island to the UAE, and then came a media campaign saying that the UAE takes trees from Socotra, all campaigns have been proven to lie, even the alleged trees turns out it was Qatari.

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