الثلاثاء , 7 يناير 2025

Al-mukalla Adorned with Banners, Thanks to Legitimacy and the Arab Alliance Leaderships and Heroes of Hadrami Elite in Commemoration of the Second Anniversary for April 24.


“Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Tuesday, April 24, 2018 Al-mukalla.

The capital of Hadhramout, Al-mukalla city and number of directorates capitals of the province adorned with of thanks and appreciation and gratitude banners for the legitimacy leadership and the leadership of the Arab coalition forces and heroes of Hadhrami Elite troops celebrated the second anniversary of liberation, of Hadhrami coast directorates on the 24th of April 2016.

During the last days banners advertising raised at the entrances and exits of Al-mukalla city and the main cities, tours and public authorities, checkpoints and main roads.

Banners was filed on the local authority name in the Governorate and the second military region Commender, included thanks letters for the efforts made by the leadership of the legitimacy and the representative of His Excellency President Abd-rabbu Mansour Hadi and the leadership of the Arab coalition forces, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab of Emirates, since before the liberation in the year, 2016 and even today and for its significant role in stabilization and support of the unlimited various aspects of development and humanitarian relief.

Also banners which were raised included praises to the sacrifices of the second military region heroes to leaders, officers and elite forces soldier and their great scarifying in fight against terrorism and drying its swamp, and extending the security and reassurance in all liberated directorates.

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