الثلاثاء , 7 يناير 2025

UAE Forces Breakup more than 20 Thousand Landmine Planted by Houthis in Western of Yemen


((Al-waqaaljadeed.com)) Sat.17 March 2018 / Agencies

Emirates announced on Thursday that, its armed forces managed to defuse more than 20 thousand mine, and explosive device, planted by militias, Al-huthis in areas of the west coast of Yemen, during 8 months.

UAE agency (WAM) report of mines expert works within engineering teams affiliated to the UAE, saying that” engineering teams went off and blew more than 20 thousand mine and an explosive devices during the past eight months, until February, from various regions of the forehead in west coast of Yemen”.

The source added, who is agency Unnamed , that finally has been training 65 Yemeni volunteers to cleanse the mines, and all of them are working with the resistance (people loyal to the Government of Yemen)”.

And about “90% of mines that was removed, the Iranian-made, imitative mines of origin Russian

He explained that “the process of Houthi mines demining and detonate it are in safe areas, in accordance with the best global practices”.

He continued, “we noticed that Houthis, they deliberately planted mines and explosive devices randomly in the streets, farms, and residential areas without regard for civilians”.

And Al-houthis, seeks to kill largest number of Yemenis, expressing regret at disability right network, and the children of many families, many families loosed of their loved ones as a result of these mines and improvised explosive devices.

The UAE is the third force which is involved within the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia, in the military campaign against Al-houthis in Yemen, since March 2015.

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