الخميس , 2 يناير 2025

The UAE Red Crescent Help a Number of Poor Families in Aden


((Al-waqaaljadeed)), Mon. 12 February 2018.
The UAE Red Crescent, relief a number of the poor, gave them physical support and essential nutrients.
When the UAE Red Crescent Know about need of such families hurried to assistance them to alleviate their suffering and bring smiles to their faces.
Mother of Arzak is the woman in the fifth decade of age, live in the city of Al-mualla complained its difficult condition which pass on her, when her voice reach to the Office of the UAE Red Crescent in Aden sent a team to meet their need and to assist them , she farewell us and her tears of joy fill her eyes.
Recall that dozens of families in Aden is suffering by high food prices, which offset the absence of the government’s payroll and the collapse of the price of the local currency this burden off their shoulders, the Red Crescent is playing a major role to alleviate that suffering.
The UAE Red Crescent since the year 2015 provide to relief displaced and the poor and needy in various liberated provinces.

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