الجمعة , 10 يناير 2025

The UAE Red Crescent Supports a Cleanliness and Improvement Fund at Wadi Hadhramout with Basic Supplies


((Al-waqaaljadeed)) Friday 19 January 2018.

Ali Al-jifri . Photos abdulrahman Bahbara
UAE Red Crescent authority signed an agreement with the fund of cleanliness and improvement, in Directorate of Tarim,Wadi Hadhramout for maintenance and rehabilitation of cleanliness cars and suction vehicle belong to the Fund, in addition providing equipment prevention supplies and personal safety.

This Agreement comes in the framework of the keenness of authority to provide a healthy and safe environment in Hadhramout and offer best level and finest services and a continuation of the support provided by the UAE to projects services in different liberated governorates of Yemen.

Ahmed Al-neyadi, vice chairman of the UAE Red Crescent, confirmed that the Commission seek during the “year of Zayed” 2018 to implement projects service in various governorates of Yemen including Hadhramout Governorate in framework of role played by the UAE for rehabilitation of infrastructure in Yemen in order to help the siblings to overcome their difficult living conditions and return to normal life.

He said that the Emirates Red Crescent will contribute significantly to restoration of natural life in Yemen, which reflects the keenness of the UAE leadership and good governance for the future of Yemeni people and alleviate their suffering to provide all the essential ingredients for natural life-cycle in this brotherly country.

He noted that the Commission is currently looking at several infrastructure projects which are considered maintenance and rehabilitation with continuation of humanitarian support to the people and inhabitants of the province of Hadhramout.

For his part Salem Ya’omer ,the manager of cleanliness and improvement fund in Tarim Directorate, expressed his thanks to the state of the UAE for the support and attention given by the Pan-Yemeni liberated provinces, specially province of Hadhramout … give apprecation to UAE Red Crescent authority for its efforts in project implementation.

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