السبت , 15 فبراير 2025

The Popular Campaign to Thank the UAE is Erecting Giant Signboards in Most Cities of Hadramout Coast.

Saturday April 24th, 2021 / Mukalla

The popular campaign to thank the United Arab Emirates in Hadramout governorate erected a number of giant panels in most cities and districts of Hadramout coast.

The head of the popular campaign to thank the United Arab Emirates in the Hadramout governorate, journalist Muhammad Bu Eran, confirmed that among the campaign’s works was the erection of giant thank panels in “Al-Mukalla, Al-Shahr and Ghayl Bawazir” and other cities on the coast of Hadramout.

Pointing out that the campaign coincides with the fifth anniversary of the liberation of the coast of Hadramout from the terrorist elements of al-Qaeda, which corresponds to the glorious April 24, and as a kind of response to loyalty to the support provided by the brothers in the Emirates of men and money for the sake of liberating the coast of Hadramout.

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