الأربعاء , 1 مايو 2024

Bouairan .. Rant in The Name of Their Love and Concern for Hadramout as They Pass Hostile Agendas for a Handful of Money


Friday, July 10, 2020 / Private.


Some of the components in Hadramout claim their eagerness and fear for the interest of Hadramout more than the rest of Hadramout’s son, in order to make a living in the name of Hadramout and pass agendas serving hostile countries and groups such as Qatar, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, who do not want the good or stability of Hadhramout.


We tell these lies, who claim to be the most loving of Hadhramout… Where were you while Hadhramout was in desperate need of you “during the terrorist organizations’ occupation of the cities and villages of its coast.” We will not forget that you were spectators as if the matter did not concern you, and unfortunately some of you were among those who plotted to occupy it.


At that time, Hadramout only found the Emirates hawks, who supported with money and men and fought with honest people from its sons until its liberation in the epic of April 24, which will immortalize in history that you are from inaction and abandoned its liberation, and you were in a row who conspired to occupy your land and the south in general. There is still time to review your accounts before you lose the last hair of your family’s confidence in Hadramout.

بوعيران.. يتشدقون بأسم حبهم وحرصهم على حضرموت بينما يقوموا بتمرير أجندات معادية مقابل حفنة من المال

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