الأحد , 22 ديسمبر 2024

English News

UAE Red Crescent Offers Medicines and Medical Supplies for “Restore Hope” Hospital in Rumah-Hadramout.

  “Al-waqaaljadeed.com ” Saturday 06 October 2018 Rumah /Private As part of its plan to support medical facilities with drugs and medical supplies required for its work and encourage service with the aim of upgrading health services and provide the most important quality requirements of hospitals and medical centers, the UAE Red Crescent Authority offered quality drugs and medical supplies ...

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Forces of Security Belt in Radfan Seized a Car Loaded with the Smuggled Money .


  “Al-waqaaljadeed.com ” Sat. 06 October 2018 . Radfan/private Managed one of the points of the security belt forces of the Fifth Brigade back and Support in Radfan (belt forces ) to stop and adjust the car it was on board bags camouflaged it with big money about 81 million Yemeni Riyals In a statement to the commander of the ...

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The Leader of Command and Control in Coast of Hadramout’s police: we Thank the UAE for its Continued Support for the Security Services.


  “Al-waqaaljadeed.com ” Friday 05 October 2018 .Mukaklla / Private The Lieutenant-Colonel Muraee Bakhola’h the director of the Department of command and control at the coast of Hadramout, said it was the second batch graduation of the police and security forces in Hadramout, under the auspices of the local authority and the leadership of the Arab coalition forces in the ...

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مكافحة مخدرات حضرموت الساحل تضبط متعاطيا للحشيش بالمكلا مرتبطا بسرقة سيارة من عدن


  “الواقع الجديد” الأحد 22 يوليو 2018 المكلا/خاص   وفق معلومات صادرة لإدارة مكافحة المخدرات بحضرموت الساحل بوجود شخص مشتبه به وارتباطه بسرقة سيارة من محافظة عدن… ألقى منتسبوا إدارة مكافحة المخدرات بحضرموت الساحل القبض على المشتبه به ووجد بحوزته كمية من مادة الحشيش المخدر. وبعد إلقاء القبض عليه والتحقيق معه تبين ارتباطه بالسياره المسروقه ولمن باعها وتم إحضار السيارة ...

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The Houthi Iran’s Militia Continued in Sabotage the Infrastructure in Hodeidah and Fabricate Humanitarian Crisis.


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed.com )) Mon. 25 June 2018 / Rebounds. The trenches dug by Iranian militias in Hodeidah, west of Yemen, caused in sabotage of the water network and cut off water of the city neighborhood , according to the correspondent of “Sky News Arabia”. Local residents reported that the half of the city’s neighborhood without water, because the fighting trenches, ...

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The UAE Red Crescent ” Continue its Support to the Health Sector in Yemen.


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed.com )) Monday 25 June 2018 / Mukalla. /Ali Al-jifri -Abdel Rahman Barbara. The UAE Red Crescent authority continue its support to health sector facilities, centers medical, central and public hospitals in the liberated provinces of Yemen in framework of its humanitarian efforts aimed at alleviating the burden on the people of siblings Yemen. In this regard, the body ...

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Military Reinforcement Reach to the Outskirts of Hodeidah City in Preparation for Resolution.


  ((Al-waqaaljadeed.com )) Sun., 24 June 2018 / Rebounds. The national Army forces, had moved huge military reinforcements, to its forces stationed in front of the west coast, to storm the city of Hodeidah, from the grip of the Houthi militia coup. The Saudi newspaper” Okaz” said from military sources as saying, that the significant reinforcement of the National Army ...

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The Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar Regime and Sam Organization, Begin Unjustified Attack on the UAE.


  “al-waqaaljadeed.com ” Sat, 23 June 2018. Private/ Mohammed bu Ayran. The Muslim Brotherhood organization in Yemen continues the escalation of its rhetoric media against the Arab coalition, especially the United Arab of Emirates, until it became similar to the discourse of the Houthis-Iranian militias that describe the Alliance to support legitimacy as the aggression on Yemen Sam Brotherhood organization( ...

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Emirates Reveals with Evidence of Iran’s Involvement in Bringing Weapons to the Houthis Militia.


  ((al-waqaaljadeed.com )) Wednesday 20 June 2018 / Rebounds. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and international cooperation and the UAE Armed Forces, revealed today for weapons and military equipment were seized during the operations, coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen, which proves Iran’s involvement in supporting the Houthi Militia, as quoted by the UAE news agency (Wam). The Armed Forces ...

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Commercial Companies Belonging to Yemen Brotherhood Offers Millions in the War Effort to the Houthis.


  ((al-waqaaljadeed.com )) Thu. 21 June 2018 / Rebounds. Informed sources revealed for the companies, and investments institutions, subordinate to the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Yemen, to provide large sums of money, with the aim of supporting the Houthi group, which is fighting a war against legitimate, and government, in more than one front in Yemen. The sources confirmed for ...

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