السبت , 28 سبتمبر 2024


With the Support of the UAE Red Crescent : the Field Hospital in Socotra Provides its Health Services to the Sons of a Archipelago of Socotra


  “Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Thu. 12 April 2018/Socotra. Mohammed Al-socotri, inspected this morning the medical Committee for the medical field camp in all of Central of Nojed south of Socotra and the center of the Moumy, Eastern of Socotra, the two create the connects the villages and areas of the sprawling two- convergence point of the medical education to alleviate the suffering ...

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Al-mukalla Preparing to Celebrate of the Liberation Anniversary, and Hadhramout’s Son Grateful for the UAE Efforts, Talks, Novels, and How the Hadrami Street Received Generous of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed for the Sons of Hadhramout


  “Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Thu. 12 April 2018, Al-mukalla. In full swing preparations in Al-mukalla and the coast of Hadramout to celebrate of the second anniversary of Al-mukalla liberation from Al-Qaeda in April of a year fittings on the all political, military, cultural and even sports, the day of Al-mukalla liberation and the coast by Hadramout son, its valiant delicately in golden ...

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Bin Zayed Meets UN Envoy Stresses UAE’s Commitment to Support the Legitimacy and Maintenance the Sovereignty and Unity of Yemen


  “Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Tue., 10 April, 2018 Abu Dhabi. His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-nahyan, Foreign Minister and international cooperation met Mr. Martin Griffin, the envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Yemen. During the meeting – held in the headquarters of the Ministry in Abu Dhabi – search, the development of the situation in Yemen and the ...

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Detection of Explosives in One of the Hadhrami Elite Points.


  “Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Tuesday 10 April 2018/Al-mukalla. The Hadhrami elite forces detected today explosives was hidden in one of the cars in way to Mukalla , sources of the elite forces, said that the members of Ba-sharif point at Al-mukalla during a search of their car type (Corolla) they found the explosives were hidden in Andomi cartons for disguise, the source ...

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UAE Crescent Complete Faster Process Work of Rehabilitation Al-khookha Schools

  The “Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Wed. 11 April 2018 Hodeida. The Governor of the province of Hodeida, Dr. Hasan Ali Tahir visited the city of Al-khookha coastal Western of Yemen, during his visit the governor inaugurated a number of schools in the city of Al-khookha that has been complete rehabilitation and furnishing with a financing of the UAE Red Crescent, in a ...

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تقرير خاص.. عن دور الامارات وماقدمته لليمن وحضرموت قبل وبعد التحرير “ذكرى التحرير”


((الواقع الجديد)) الثلاثاء 10 أبريل 2018 / المكلا   خاص/ الواقع الجديد   إن ما قدمته وتقدمه دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في حضرموت ومناطق الجنوب عامة، ليس بالشيء الهيّن، ويصعب على الكثير من الدول ان تقوم بمثل هكذا دعم وتنمية، حيث ان لها الفضل بعد الله تعالى في دحر المليشيات الانقلابية الحوثية من العاصمة عدن بعد الدمار والخراب والآثار الكارثية ...

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*Coalition Fighters Bombing Military Targets for the Rebels of the Houthis in Hodeida


  “Al-waqaaljadeed.com- ” Monday, 9 April 2018 Hodeida/Exc. The fighters of the Arab coalition, today- Monday, 09 April, 2018, bombing targets houthi rebels in the province of Hodeida. Local sources said a war fighters bombing of targets in the area of Al-jabana Directorate of Al-salaief in the province. The sources added that the bombing coincided with the flying in the ...

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UAE Crescent Delivers Equipment for Water and Sanitation Institution in Aden

  Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Mon. 9 April 2018 Aden. The UAE Red Crescent authority delivered of new equipment, for institution of water and sanitation in the Governorate of Aden, which included 6 control panels for the sewer “sanitation” will be installed in stations of Al-drin, Dar Sa’ad, Mansoura, Al-memdarah, Al-zariba, Sheikh Othman, and Omar Al-mukhtar. Mohamed Nasr Al- shazly Undersecretary of Aden ...

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شحوب الوجه


(( الواقع الجديد)) الأثنين 9 أبريل 2018 / المكلا شحوب الوجه له عدة اسباب مثل سوء التغذيه او فقر الدم او نقص الفيتامينات وهالشي تقدرين تعالجينه اذا رحتي للدكتوره و سويتي تحليل ،، . لكن اذا سويتي تحليل وكل شي سليم ومازال وجهك شاحب ، جربي هالماسك الجميل . [ ملعقه زبادي+ملعقه شوفان + ملعقه شاي] . تخلط المكونات ويوضع ...

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طرق تنظيف الثلاجة ودرجة الحرارة المناسبة


(( الواقع الجديد)) الأثنين 9 أبريل 2018 / المكلا العنصر الأساسي في أي وجبة أو أكلة هي المكونات الطازجة السليمة، ولا يمكن الحصول على مكونات طازجة في ثلاجة لا تعمل جيدا، لذا يجب التأكد من عمل الثلاجة بشكل صحيح وصيانتها بطريقة مستمرة. اليوم نقدم لك نصائح لصيانة الثلاجة لتحافظ على الطعام طازج: الدرجة المناسبة للثلاجة احرصي دائما على فحص الترمومتر ...

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