الجمعة , 17 مايو 2024

Why Is The Reform Party “Islah” and The Leadership of The First District Claiming to Remain in The Hadramout Valley?


al-waqaaljadeed.com ”Wednesday 12 August 2020 / Exclusive.
The Hadrami and southern people wonders about the persistence and steadfastness of both the so-called leadership of the first military region and the Brotherhood militia in Wadi Hadramout, while the northern fronts are witnessing a shortage and retreat as a result of the Houthi progress in regions and governorates such as Sana’a, Marib, Al-Jawf and Al-Bayda without these forces moving their whereabouts to reinforce the northern fronts.

Activists have raised questions about the persistence and impetus that pays the members of the First Military Zone, whose majority belong to the northern governorates occupied by the Houthi militia, while these occupying forces of Hadramout Valley exercise their arrogance and pretension to defenseless civilians who refuse to stay and insist on their departure from Waji Hadramout in accordance with the Riyadh Agreement that stipulates these partial.

Observers have returned that the scenes of this survival and the deliberate persistence of the first region with its various brigades and its camp stand behind it the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Hadramout valley and their attempt to control sensitive areas and near the oil wealth, not being aware of the protests and demands that arise against their presence and cause them to lead to insecurity, assassinations and assassinations that take place. A solution to this suffering that afflicted everyone without exception.

تقرير خاص.. لماذا يتشبت حزب الاصلاح وقيادة المنطقة الاولى بالبقاء بوادي حضرموت وسط سخط ومطالبات الأهالي برحيلهم

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