الأحد , 2 يونيو 2024

The Coast Guard Forces of Hadramaut are a Security Model of Discipline, Deployment, and Anti-Smuggling Along The Coastal Strip


al-waqaaljadeed.com” Sunday, April 12, 2020 .



The Coast Guard forces in Hadramout witnessed a qualitative and disciplined transfer by their personnel and exemplary in the deployment and implementation of the tasks assigned to this important sector in the census of the military forces of the second military area led by Major General Faraj Salmin Al-Bahsani, who gave the Coast Guard forces special attention in view of the paramount importance and protection of the extended and vast coast of Hadramout smuggling and protection of the shipping line in the Arabian Sea.

Since the young Lieutenant Colonel Salem Awad Al-Nimuri, the leadership of the Coast Guard forces, the force has generally witnessed a qualitative and a unique transfer that was felt by everyone on the ground through the proliferation and intensive patrols of the Coast Guard forces extending from the borders of Bir Ali to the west to the borders and coasts of Al-Raida and Qusayr in the east. Which was running away day and night on the coast of Hadramaut, especially the eastern coast.

The Coast Guard forces in Hadramout had a prominent role in facing the epidemic of the Corona pandemic, according to the directives of the conservative brother, the leader of the second region, he conducted patrols on the coasts of Hadramout and places of gathering for families and youth to make them aware of the danger of any gathering to prevent the spread of the Corona virus and in turn the moral guidance of the forces of the sentry Hadhramaut Coasts by implementing awareness-raising, educational and extension campaigns to confront the Corona epidemic, targeting Mukalla port, fish landing sites and a number of government facilities and places for citizens to collect awareness of the dangers of this epidemic and how to prevent it.

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