الخميس , 2 مايو 2024

The UAE Red Crescent Provides Food Aids to the people of Zalumah at the Directorate of Broume Miva in Hadramout.


“Al-waqaaljadeed.com” Monday, 14 November 2018 Broume Miva / Private.
The UAE Crescent Authority provided food assistance to poor and needy families who suffer from extremely difficult economic conditions in order to improve their living conditions and to realize the moral and humanitarian duty of the United Arab Emirates to provide humanitarian support to needy families.

In this regard, the distribution teams of the Authority presented this morning new batches of food aid represented in distribution of 150 targeted food parcels (750) from the residents of the Zalumah and Jul Al-Riyadh area in the governorate of Broum Mif’a in Hadramout, which included the basic needs of the necessary foodstuffs. This came in framework of the Commission’s project for humanitarian support, to normalize life for families in difficult economic situations.

The distribution of this aid was welcomed by citizens who indicated that the project and its assistance provided them with food needs. They commended the UAE and its charitable and humanitarian efforts to alleviate the suffering and the poor economic conditions.
The number of food baskets distributed since the beginning of the “year 2018” amounted to 25,000 basket targeted 125 thousand members of needy and affected families in the province of Hadramout.

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