الجمعة , 3 يناير 2025

Graduation of the Military police, Fourth Batch Recruits in Aden


“Al-waqaaljadeed.com-” Fri. 4 May 2018 Aden.

The capital of Aden, sow a graduation ceremony of the fourth founding batch of the Military Police in Aden

In a welcomed speech from the commander of the military police in Aden general Ahmed Ali Saleh, Al-hadi, making a speech on behalf of him, Colonel / Mohammed Hazam, which said “ to what we touch of fitness and distinct of military parade for the individuals confirms the efforts made by the leadership of the brigade in training and rehabilitation for the fourth batch and all the members of the brigade”..and he expressed his thanks and appreciation on behalf of the military leaders for both the heroes and fighters in the front lines to face the militias of the houthi coup.

He added:” I on behalf of all the heroes of the army express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the leaders of the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab of Emirates, they was credited after God in the home protection from the tide of the Persian”..
Demanding that all political and military forces to pay attention and stand as one behind the leadership of the political and military representative, President Abd-rabbu Mansour Hadi in order to access the home safety .

The brigade commander of the first support, colonel Munir Saleh Abu Al-yamama, said a welcomed word the heroes of the military police are the nucleus of the southern army that the military edifice is getting the power train and stiffness.
Praised of
the leadership of the military police representative commander, Major General Abu Muhammad Al-hadi of what he had a real military education, training and military discipline .

Add that our country is going through in toughest of circumstances, But when the hope that we are able to protect the country and rehabilitation and training of the Southern troops of what enjoy in the blessing of persistence and determination .

In word of the graduates which was by one of the soldiers explained through it, that the graduation celebrating of the fourth batch comes in the framework of the celebrations on the occasion of the global labor day ..confirming their Permanent standing behind the political leadership represented by His Excellency President Abd-rabbu Mansour Hadi President of the Republic and supreme commander of the Armed Forces, in order to defend the security and stability of the homeland.

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